Adding two ndb nodes to MySQL Cluster

In the end we’ll have:

  • Two – Management servers (mgm1, mgm2)
  • Two – Application servers (app1, app2)
  • Four – NDB servers (ndb1, ndb2), (ndb3, ndb4)

// Start by writing 1,000,000 records to verify distribution between ndb servers
// Create a table for the test

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS clusterdb.bigdata;
CREATE TABLE clusterdb.bigdata (
  note    TEXT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY     (id)
) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER COMMENT='test cluster table';

// Procedure for writing one million records

CREATE PROCEDURE clusterdb.doMl()
    SET @inx = 0, @total = 1000000;
        INSERT INTO clusterdb.bigdata SELECT NULL, CONCAT('Our string #',@inx), NULL;
        SET @inx = @inx + 1; 
    UNTIL @inx > @total END REPEAT;
END; //

// Launch procedure on app1

mysql> CALL clusterdb.doMl();
Query OK, 0 ROWS affected (18 MIN 38.19 sec)
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clusterdb.bigdata;
| COUNT(*) |
|  1000001 |
1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec)

// Verifying distribution

mgm1:/usr/local/mysql# bin/ndb_mgm
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> all report memory
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Node 11: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 11: Index usage is 2%(1879 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 12: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 12: Index usage is 2%(1879 8K pages of total 64032)

// Append in /etc/hosts on all machines ndb3   # ndb Server 3 ndb4   # ndb Server 4

// All machines should have the following in /etc/hosts mgm1   # Management server 1 mgm2   # Management server 2 app1   # Application Server 1 app2   # Application Server 2 ndb1   # ndb Server 1 ndb2   # ndb Server 2 ndb3   # ndb Server 3 ndb4   # ndb Server 4

// Preparing ndb3 & ndb4 – copy mysql.tgz (see previous post)
// Login to ndb3 & ndb4 server and extract file

mgm1: # tar xzf mysql.tgz -C /usr/local/mysql

// Append to config.ini on mgm1 & mgm2 server for 4G memory

NodeId = 13
HostName = ndb3
DataDir = /usr/local/mysql/mysql-cluster
LockExecuteThreadToCPU = 1
LockMaintThreadsToCPU = 0
NodeId = 14
HostName = ndb4
DataDir = /usr/local/mysql/mysql-cluster
LockExecuteThreadToCPU = 1
LockMaintThreadsToCPU = 0

// restart mgm1 & mgm2 server

mdm1:/usr/local/mysql# ./ndbmgm_daemon stop
NDB_MGM daemon stopped.
mgm1:/usr/local/mysql# ./ndbmgm_daemon initial
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2
NDB_MGM daemon started
mgm1:/usr/local/mysql# bin/ndb_mgm
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> show
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)]    4 node(s)
id=11    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0)
id=12    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
id=13 (not connected, accepting connect from ndb3)
id=14 (not connected, accepting connect from ndb4)
[ndb_mgmd(MGM)]    2 node(s)
id=1    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=8    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
[mysqld(API)]    2 node(s)
id=31    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=32    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)

// Should look like the above

// Restart id=11 & id=12

ndb_mgm> 11 restart
Node 11: Node shutdown initiated
Node 11 is being restarted
ndb_mgm> Node 11: Started (version 7.3.2)
ndb_mgm> 12 restart
Node 12: Node shutdown initiated
Node 12 is being restarted
ndb_mgm> Node 12: Started (version 7.3.2)

// Restart app1 & app2

app1:/usr/local/mysql# ./mysqld restart
Shutting down MySQL
..... SUCCESS!
Starting MySQL
app2:/usr/local/mysql# ./mysqld restart
Shutting down MySQL
..... SUCCESS!
Starting MySQL

// Start with initial ndb3 & ndb4 servers

ndb3:/usr/local/mysql# ./ndb_deamon initial
2013-08-12 19:02:00 [ndbd] INFO 	-- Angel connected to 'mgm1:1186'
2013-08-12 19:02:00 [ndbd] INFO 	-- Angel allocated nodeid: 13
NDB daemon started on mgm1 initial
ndb4:/usr/local/mysql# ./ndb_deamon initial
2013-08-12 19:06:11 [ndbd] INFO 	-- Angel connected to 'mgm1:1186'
2013-08-12 19:06:11 [ndbd] INFO 	-- Angel allocated nodeid: 14
NDB daemon started on mgm1 initial

// Verify mgm server

ndb_mgm> show
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)]    4 node(s)
id=11    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
id=12    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0)
id=13    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, no nodegroup)
id=14    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, no nodegroup)
[ndb_mgmd(MGM)]    2 node(s)
id=1    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=8    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
[mysqld(API)]    2 node(s)
id=31    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=32    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)

// Create a group for ndb3 & ndb4

ndb_mgm> create nodegroup 13,14
Nodegroup 1 created
ndb_mgm> show
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)]    4 node(s)
id=11    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
id=12    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 0)
id=13    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 1)
id=14    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2, Nodegroup: 1)
[ndb_mgmd(MGM)]    2 node(s)
id=1    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=8    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
[mysqld(API)]    2 node(s)
id=31    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)
id=32    @  (mysql-5.6.11 ndb-7.3.2)

// Before

ndb_mgm> show
ndb_mgm> all report memory
Node 11: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 11: Index usage is 2%(1879 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 12: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 12: Index usage is 2%(1879 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 13: Data usage is 0%(1 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 13: Index usage is 0%(0 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 14: Data usage is 0%(1 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 14: Index usage is 0%(0 8K pages of total 64032)

// Alter

ndb_mgm> SHOW
mysql> ALTER online TABLE clusterdb.bigdata reorganize partition;
Query OK, 0 ROWS affected, 1 warning (1 MIN 8.61 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1
mysql> SHOW warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                                                                          	|
| Warning | 1287 | 'ONLINE' IS deprecated AND will be removed IN a future release. Please USE ALGORITHM=INPLACE instead |
1 ROW IN SET (0.00 sec)
mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE clusterdb.bigdata;

// After

ndb_mgm> show
ndb_mgm> all report memory
Node 11: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 11: Index usage is 1%(1107 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 12: Data usage is 4%(3217 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 12: Index usage is 1%(1095 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 13: Data usage is 2%(1539 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 13: Index usage is 1%(905 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 14: Data usage is 2%(1539 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 14: Index usage is 1%(905 8K pages of total 64032)

// Create another million records and check the distribution across ndb

ndb_mgm> show
mysql> call clusterdb.doMl();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (19 min 30.98 sec)
mysql> select count(*) from clusterdb.bigdata;
| count(*) |
|  2000002 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
ndb_mgm> all report memory
Node 11: Data usage is 4%(3218 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 11: Index usage is 2%(1874 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 12: Data usage is 4%(3218 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 12: Index usage is 2%(1874 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 13: Data usage is 4%(3130 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 13: Index usage is 2%(1849 8K pages of total 64032)
Node 14: Data usage is 4%(3130 32K pages of total 65536)
Node 14: Index usage is 2%(1849 8K pages of total 64032)

// All Done!